Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Irish "Adventure"

The photographer is like the cod, which lays a million eggs in order that one may be hatched. George Bernard Shaw

When I titled our itinerary our “Irish Adventure”, it was not a phrase I gave much thought to. Be careful what ye write! If I had given thought it would be to imply minor culture differences like beds with thick down covers but no top sheet, or trying to remember to look in the opposite direction for traffic before stepping off the curb. It wouldn’t imply goofus putting plane reservations under Jim and then using a passport with James, alerting Homeland Security and causing the Dayton ticket agent a half hour on the phone before being allowed to re-ticket under James. Or the confusion of entering a foreign country, going through customs (there was none) and finding your way into the City and on to your Hotel, while leaving your luggage on the bus (Sue’s fault, oh yes defiantly Sue’s fault!). Or having a wonderful room right across from Christ Church Cathedral who serenades us with there wonderful bells every half hour and for two hours in the evening. Did I mention due to the wonderful climate, Irish Hotels have no a/c, You leave your window open. Shame on me for sounding negative, the people are wonderful, you can’t stop for minute and look around without some one saying, “need a little help there Laddie?”

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