Monday, August 10, 2009

The camera, you know, will never capture you. Photography, in my experience, has the miraculous power of transferring wine into water. - Oscar Wilde - in "Lillie"

Well I really wanted to write about the small differences and customs that we have observed, whether they are European, Irish, or Dublin. Such as, in all places we have eaten, they use white pepper. You shake the holder, look at your food, see nothing so you shake some more. This goes on until you realize its white pepper. Once you taste your food, you remember to do that only once. Unlike looking the wrong way before stepping into traffic (of course if your timing is bad you only do that once also.) Or when you cut your food you hold the knife in your writing hand (generally right) and hold the fork in your left hand. Same custom as in America, right? However, in Europe the fork never leaves your left hand. So when in Rome do as the Romans. Except, due to airline restrictions, I only have a small amount of clothes to spill things on. But we are not mixing with the Irish. It is August, which is European holiday (vacation) time, and Ireland seems to be a top choice. While spending most of our time doing the sightseeing we are surrounded by British, Scandinavians, Orientals, and others Countries that I cant detect thru their accents. There are families, but mostly we see young backpackers. We have met some locals, many attending the Dublin Horse Show, sorry Danny girl, our schedule is too tight thru the weekend to attend(it was reported to us the Italians and Americans are doing well, the Irish, not so good.)
While mixing with the international crowd and seeing and learning Irish history (including the history of Arthur G’s best stout, before enjoying a pint) we are enjoying the magnificent flowers. Every few miles we see a building with varieties cascading down from three or floor floors of window boxes, or see six feet tall “trees” of planters along sidewalks and across bridges. They certainly brighten the concrete of a big city, and provide terrific photo ops.

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