Friday, July 31, 2009

Every artist was first an amateur. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It takes as much brass to use that quote as it did to name a photo I took of a church, also photographed by Ansel Adams, "Homage to Ansel." I had entered it in a contest held by the Town & Country Fine Art Center. It did not get a prize, but another entry of watering cans made the final 10 in judging (Sue was working at the time and watched as they eliminated entries).
I recently went on a Photowalk, climbing the hills of Cincinnati's MT Adams for over two hours. Did all right for a one lung man. I was allowed to enter two pictures from the walk (shown here). The results will not be known for a while, there are 64,000 entries world wide.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Grandkids activities

All photographers have to do, is find and catch the story-telling moment. - Alfred Eisenstaedt

Well I started a blog and then the computer went on the fritz , causing me to do a great deal of catchup when the problem was corrected. so it's been a long time between blogs. During that time I was able to see Elise play in a golf tournament at her father's Country Club, Nate and I followed in a cart and from which he took and an excellent picture of his sister and her caddy.
Maddy and Syd have spent the summer dancing at Feises (Irish dance competition) around the State I was able to watch them compete in Dayton.
I was also able to catch up with Tyler and Christopher and take pictures of there favorite pastime of bike jumping. Hopefully all this is helping me stretch my abilities. Less then two weeks until we leave for Ireland where I promise to regularly blog (Now isn't that special).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The begining

Well guess what, Homer is blogging. When I first learned of blogging, I thought it was the silliest exercise one could do, your diary online? The only thing more of a time waster are those who would read them. But as blogging grew I found some excellent sites to both humor and educate me. Now with a long (and first) overseas trip looming, I have decided that a blog would be a great way to communicate to friends and family. I am sure this site's format will change as I learn more about what I can and cannot so.